MeDirect has renewed its sponsorship of Otters ASC, the only waterpolo club in Gozo. Through this new agreement, MeDirect will be supporting the club’s senior waterpolo team and its swimming academy. In addition, it will be sponsoring all of the teams playing in national competitions organised by the Aquatic Sports Association of Malta at under 11, under 13 and under 15 level.
Frances Zammit, Senior Officer at MeDirect’s investment centre in Gozo, said, “MeDirect has developed a strong partnership with Otters ASC over several years. Our commitment to Otters, which is not just a waterpolo club, but a key stakeholder in in the Gozitan community, particularly when it comes to helping young people develop in a healthy and active environment, is unwavering. We are looking forward to another great year of collaboration.”
Established in 1971, Otters ASC joined the Maltese waterloo league system on a permanent basis in 1982, as all other Gozitan clubs slowly became defunct. The Marsalforn based club continues to participate in national leagues despite the logistical and financial challenges of operating from Gozo.
Enzo Dimech, President of Otters ASC, said, “Our club needs the support of sponsors like MeDirect to continue offering its services to the community and to continue competing at all levels in Malta’s waterpolo competitions. We are grateful for the long-term commitment which MeDirect has shown towards Otters over many years and look forward to another successful summer for all our players, students, and members.”
More information on Otters ASC is available at
Photocaption: Jessica Muscat, Senior Officer – Wealth at MeDirect’s Gozo investment centre presenting the sponsorship to Paul Dimech, Vice President of Otters ASC. Also present were Frances Zammit, Senior Officer at MeDirect’s investment centre in Gozo together with John Borg and Frank Said from Otters ASC.
MeDirect ikompli jappoġġja lil Otters ASC
MeDirect ġedded l-appoġġ tiegħu għal Otters ASC, l-uniku klabb tal-waterpolo f’Għawdex. Permezz ta’ dan il-ftehim, MeDirect se jkun qed jappoġġja lit-tim tal-kbar u l-akkademja ta’ l-għawm tal-klabb. Apparti minn hekk, MeDirect se jkun qed jisponsorja lit-timijiet kollha li qed jilgħabu fil-kompetizzjonijiet nazzjonali organizzati mill-Aquatic Sports Association of Malta ta’ taħt il-11-il sena, taħt it-13-il sena u taħt il-15-il sena.
Frances Zammit, Senior Officer mill-fergħa ta’ MeDirect f’Għawdex, qalet, “MeDirect żviluppa sħubija b’saħħitha ma’ Otters ASC matul is-snin. L-impenn tagħna lejn il-klabb, qed jgħin ħafna lill-komunità Għawdxija b’mod partikolari fl-iżvilupp taż-żgħażagħ f’ambjent b’saħħtu u attiv. Qed inħarsu l-quddiem lejn sena oħra ta’ kollaborazzjoni.”
Otters ASC ġie mwaqqaf fl-1971. Fl-1982, il-klabb ingħaqad mal-kampjonat Malti tal-waterpolo fuq bażi permanenti. Hekk kif il-klabbs l-oħra Għawdxin bil-mod il-mod ma baqawx jezistu, il-klabb Otters ASC, ibbażat f’Marsalforn, kompla jipparteċipa fil-kampjonati nazzjonali minkejja l-isfidi loġistiċi u finanzjarji tal-operat minn Għawdex.
Enzo Dimech, President ta’ Otters ASC, qal, “Il-klabb tagħna għandu bżonn l-appoġġ ta’ sponsors bħal MeDirect biex ikompli joffri s-servizzi tiegħu lill-komunità u jkompli jikkompeti fil-livelli kollha tal-kompetizzjonijiet tal-waterpolo. Aħna grati għall-impenn li MeDirect wera lejn Otters matul ħafna snin u qed nistennew bil-ħerqa sajf ieħor ta’ suċċess għall-plejers, studenti u l-membri kollha tagħna.”
Aktar informazzjoni dwar Otters ASC tista ssibha fuq
Ritratt: Jessica Muscat, Senior Officer – Wealth tippreżenta l-isponsorship lil Paul Dimech, Viċi President ta’ Otters ASC fiċ-ċentru ta’ investiment ta’ MeDirect f’Għawdex. Preżenti kien hemm ukoll Frances Zammit, Senior Officer ta’ MeDirect f’Għawdex flimkien ma’ John Borg u Frank Said minn Otters ASC.