News & Updates
In our News & Updates section, we’ll keep you informed about what is happening at MeDirect Group. Through this section we also publish weekly market updates provided by well-established fund houses and other interesting financial reads. Make sure to visit often to keep yourself up to date.

BlackRock Commentary: U.S. stocks to outperform developed market peers
The overall U.S. policy response to the coronavirus shock has been decisive and comprehensive, already exceeding the scale of policy action in other major developed economies. In BlackRock’s view, the U.S. stock market also has a relatively high concentration of quality companies with the capacity to weather the storm.

How to Cope with Market Volatility
Volatility and uncertainty is likely to remain high around the progression of the current pandemic of Covid-19. Hopefully, the rates of infection around the world will gradually begin to flatten out, however it looks like this will be a slow process.

Franklin Templeton Insights: The First (and Worst!) Quarter is Over
In the first quarter of 2020, stock markets across the globe experienced one of the worst quarters in the history of global financial markets. But maybe it’s time for investors to take a pause and do some strategic thinking.

Morningstar Views: Investing Habits in Times of Turmoil
These are unusual times. During times of disruption, our minds’ habits can help or hurt us; both in our investing and in our daily lives. Let’s take a look at what habits really are and how you can break free of the negative ones.

Franklin Templeton Insights: Bringing the Economy Back from Life Support
Sonal Desai, Chief Investment Officer, Franklin Templeton Fixed Income, weighs in on the differences between this one and other recessionary periods, and whether policymakers can engineer a recovery.

Legg Mason Perspectives: The Long View – Will Shock & Awe Be Enough?
An unprecedented response to the economic shutdown should help avoid a worst-case outcome, but how quickly aid reaches small businesses is critical.
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