News & Updates
In our News & Updates section, we’ll keep you informed about what is happening at MeDirect Group. Through this section we also publish weekly market updates provided by well-established fund houses and other interesting financial reads. Make sure to visit often to keep yourself up to date.

Cost averaging in investments
Investing regular amounts in a share or fund is an effective way to decrease your risk exposure in the long term.

What is a fund?
A fund is an investment product that allows a large number of people to pool their money together in order to invest in a range of different securities.

Mediterranean Bank plc 6.25% bonds
Mediterranean Bank plc would like to thank bondholders of Mediterranean Bank plc 6.25% bonds for having supported its first ever bond issue.

Risk Tolerance – Part 2
In previous articles we discussed different aspects of Model Portfolios. This article will explore the issue of risk tolerance in more detail.

Risk Tolerance – Part 1
The importance of selecting your own risk profile when considering investing in a Model Portfolio of mutual funds.

Are you checking your portfolio too often?
It could be tempting to monitor your investment regularly once you have invested in a portfolio, but it may be wiser to resist this temptation.
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