Mediterranean Bank donates to The Ladybird Foundation
Mediterranean Bank is pleased to announce that this Christmas a donation for every account opened during the month of December will be made to The Ladybird Foundation. We would also like to invite you all to join us for a drink in one of our branches throughout the month of December.
Mediterranean Bank bi pjacir ihabbar li dan il-Milied se jaghmel donazzjoni ghal kull kont bankarju li jinfetah matul ix-xahar ta’ Dicembru, lill-Fondazzjoni Ladybird (li tghin u tferrah tfal f’Malta li huma morda serjament). Barra minn hekk nixtiequ niehdu l-okkazjoni nistednukom izzuru wahda mill-ferghat taghna biex tiehdu ‘drink’ tal-Milied maghna matul dan ix-xahar ta’ Dicembru.