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MeDirect becomes the second Maltese bank to participate in the New Hope guarantee scheme

Following an agreement which was signed between the Housing Authority and MeDirect, another Maltese bank will now be offering its clients the opportunity to access the New Hope guarantee scheme. This scheme, which was launched in 2021, is giving new hope to those who are unable to obtain a life insurance policy due to past or current illness or disability and therefore have not been able to purchase a home.

This scheme is providing Maltese banks with a secure alternative so that loans can be provided to potential home buyers without the banks, or the relatives of the applicant, being exposed to any risk. At present, the Housing Authority is offering guarantees which replace the need for a life insurance policy to cover home loans of up to €250,000 for the purchase of a property which the beneficiary uses as their primary residence.

Minister for Social and Affordable Accommodation Roderick Galdes stated that following the scheme’s introduction, they continued working towards further strengthening it and thus, the introduction of MeDirect Bank is a result of discussions which have been taking place during the recent months.

From his end, the Chief Executive Officer of the Housing Authority Matthew Zerafa said that this scheme, which to date 8 applicants have benefitted from it, will continue helping people fulfil their aspirations and their dreams to become owners of their own homes.

Arnaud Denis, Group Chief Executive Officer at MeDirect, said, “The Housing Authority’s New Hope scheme is a great initiative. By stepping in as guarantors for those who are unable to obtain life insurance protection despite meeting all the financial requirements to obtain a home loan, the Authority is indeed offering hope to families that have already faced difficult health situations or disabilities. MeDirect’s mission is to give customers as many choices as possible to be able to use their money as they see fit, to build the future they want. It is in this spirit that we join this scheme today. We look forward to working with the Housing Authority to give more people the choice of becoming homeowners.”

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370). MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Credit Institution under the Banking Act 1994.

MeDirect isir it-tieni bank Malti li jipparteċipa fl-iskema ta’ garanzija New Hope

Permezz ta’ ftehim li ġie ffirmat bejn l-Awtorità tad-Djar u MeDirect, bank ieħor Malti se jibda joffri l-opportunità lill-klijenti tiegħu biex jaċċedu għall-garanzija offruta mill-iskema New Hope. Din l-iskema, li ġiet introdotta fl-2021, qed tagħti tama ġdida lil dawk il-persuni li ma kienx jirnexxielhom jiksbu polza tal-assigurazzjoni fuq il-ħajja minħabba li fil-passat kellhom xi mard, jew ibatu minn kundizzjonijiet mediċi jew inkella li għandhom xi diżabilità u għaldaqstant ma setgħux isiru sidien ta’ darhom.

Din l-iskema qed toffri alternattiva sigura lill-banek Maltin biex is-self mitlub mill-applikant ikun jista’ jingħata mingħajr ma jintefa’ l-ebda riskju fuq il-banek jew il-qraba tal-benefiċjarju. Preżentament, l-Awtorità tad-Djar qed toffri garanziji li, fin-nuqqas ta’ polza tal-assigurazzjoni fuq il-ħajja, tkopri s-self sa massimu ta’ €250,000 fuq proprjetà li tintuża bħala r-residenza primarja tal-benefiċjarju.

Il-Ministru għall-Akkomodazzjoni Soċjali u Affordabbli Roderick Galdes qal li wara li ġiet introdotta din l-iskema, il-ħidma tal-gvern baqgħet għaddejja sabiex l-iskema tkompli tissaħħaħ. L-introduzzjoni tal-MeDirect Bank hija frott il-ħidma li saret matul dawn l-aħħar xhur.

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Awtorità tad-Djar Matthew Zerafa qal li din l-iskema, li sal-lum diġà bbenefikaw minnha 8 persuni, se tkompli tgħin biex aktar persuni mhux biss jilħqu l-aspirazzjonijiet tagħhom imma wkoll tgħinhom iwettqu l-ħolma tagħhom u jsiru sidien ta’ darhom.

Arnaud Denis, Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Grupp MeDirect, qal, “L-iskema New Hope tal-Awtorità tad-Djar hija inizjattiva importanti ħafna. Permezz tal-garanziji li qed toffri lil dawk li ma jistgħux jiksbu polza tal-assigurazzjoni fuq il-ħajja minkejja li jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti finanzjarji kollha biex jiksbu self għad-dar, l-Awtorità tabilħaqq qed toffri tama lill-familji li diġà ffaċċjaw sitwazzjonijiet ta’ saħħa jew diżabilità diffiċli. Il-missjoni ta’ MeDirect hi li jagħti lill-klijenti l-għażliet biex ikunu jistgħu jużaw flushom kif jidhrilhom xieraq, biex jibnu l-futur li jridu. Huwa f’dan l-ispirtu li llum ningħaqdu fl-iskema. Nistennew bil-ħerqa li naħdmu mal-Awtorità tad-Djar biex aktar nies jingħataw l-għażla li jsiru sidien ta’ darhom.”

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni C34125, huwa liċenzjat biex joffri servizzi bankarji skont it-termini tal-Att dwar il-Kummerċ Bankarju (Kap. 371) u servizzi ta’ investiment skont it-termini tal-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta’ Investiment (Kap. 370). MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc huwa regolat mill-Awtorità Maltija għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji bħala Istituzzjoni ta’ Kreditu taħt l-Att Bankarju tal-1994.

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