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MeDirect makes digital wallets accessible for card users

MeDirect Bank customers can now connect their debit card to their Google Wallet, giving them the opportunity to start using Google Pay to make online and contactless in-store purchases through their smartphone or smartwatch. This development is a first step in making digital wallets available to all MeDirect customers as access to other digital wallets will also be enabled in the coming weeks.

MeDirect first launched its card services just over a year ago, offering a free Mastercard debit card. Customers benefit from features such as instant transaction viewing and management via the bank’s mobile app or online banking platform.

Additionally, MeDirect’s debit card service also includes multicurrency accounts where customers can use accounts in different currencies without incurring additional foreign exchange fees and an advanced anti-fraud detection system, ensuring both convenience and security.

Pawel Malukiewicz, Group Head – Channels and Customer Experience and Chief Product Officer at MeDirect, said, “Digital Wallets are convenient and safe, allowing you to shop online and in-store without needing to worry about having your physical card with you. As customers become more accustomed to using digital wallets, it was important for MeDirect to make this functionality available as quickly as possible. Going forward, we will continue to develop our card services to ensure we continue to build our position as the preferred bank for customers in Malta.”

More information on MeDirect’s card services, including how to connect the MeDirect debit card to a digital wallet, is available from https://www.medirect.com.mt/pay/cards/

Google Pay and Google Wallet are trademarks of Google LLC.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371).

MeDirect iniedi d-digital wallets

Il-klijenti ta’ MeDirect Bank issa jistgħu jintegraw id-debit card tagħhom mal-Google Wallet tagħhom, u b’hekk għandhom l-opportunità li jibdew jużaw Google Pay biex jixtru onlajn u anke fil-ħwienet permezz tal-ismartphone jew l-ismartwatch tagħhom. Dan l-iżvilupp huwa l-ewwel pass biex id-digital wallets jigu offruti lill-klijenti kollha ta’ MeDirect. Digital wallets oħrajn ser jigu offruti lill-klijenti fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin.

MeDirect beda’ joffri s-servizzi tal-kards tiegħu ftit aktar minn sena ilu, u d-debit card tal-Mastercard hija offruta b’xejn. Il-klijenti jibbenefikaw minn numru ta’ facilitajiet, inkluz il-possibilta’ li jaraw it-tranżazzjonijiet immedjatament fuq il-mobajl app tal-bank jew fuq il-pjattaforma bankarja onlajn.

Barra minn hekk, is-servizz tad-debit cards huwa wkoll offrut fuq kontijiet ta’ muniti differenti. Il-klijenti jistgħu jużaw dawn il-kontijiet mingħajr ma jeħlu miżati addizzjonali tal-kambju, kif ukoll sistema avvanzata kontra l-frodi, li tiżgura kemm konvenjenza kif ukoll sigurtà lil-klijenti.

Pawel Malukiewicz, li huwa il-Group Head – Channels and Customer Experience u Chief Product Officer ta’ MeDirect Group, qal, “id-digital wallets huma konvenjenti u siguri, u joffrulek il-possibilita’ li tixtri onlajn u fil-ħwienet mingħajr ma jkollok għalfejn tinkwieta li jkollok il-kard fiżika miegħek. Il-MeDirect ħass li huwa mportanti li joffri l-funzjonalità tad-digital wallets, hekk kif ra li l-klijenti qieghdin aktar u aktar juru nteress li juzaw dan is-servizz. Il-MeDirect ser ikompli jiżviluppa s-servizzi tal-kards biex jiżgura li jkompli jibni l-pożizzjoni tieghu bħala l-bank preferut tal-klijenti Maltin.”

Aktar informazzjoni dwar is-servizzi tal-kards ta’ MeDirect, inkluż l-instruzzjonijiet ta’ kif tintegra d-debit card tal-MeDirect mad-digital wallets, huwa disponibbli minn https://www.medirect.com.mt/pay/cards/

Google Pay u Google Wallet huma trademarks ta’ Google LLC.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni tal-kumpanija C34125, huwa liċenzjat biex iwettaq in-negozju bankarju f’termini ta’ l-Att Bankarju (Kap. 371).

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