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MeDirect partners with ZfinMalta for a new season

MeDirect Malta is once again supporting ŻfinMalta, the National Dance Company, ahead of a busy and exciting 2023-24 season. MeDirect’s support, part of its ongoing commitment to the arts in Malta, will help ŻfinMalta in the production of several performances, its numerous community and educational outreach efforts. and participation in international events.

An important highlight of the 2023-24 season will be ‘Ħolm tal-Milied?’, ŻfinMalta’s first ever Christmas production featuring original music performed live by The New Victorians. This production, choreographed by Adriano Bolognino, is a new dance theatre adaptation of the book ‘Ħolm tal-Milied?’ by Trevor Zahra and has been designed for all the family to enjoy.

Dominic Galea, Chief Executive Officer at the National Agency for the Performing Arts (NAPA), said, “With another packed calendar on the horizon including several international performances in Slovenia, Serbia, Italy and Jersey, ŻfinMalta continues to go from strength to strength. While bringing new productions to the Maltese audience we also continue to work with children and in the community to share the physical and mental benefits that come from dance. It is thanks also to the support of partners like MeDirect that our efforts continue to expand each year.”

As from June 2023 ŻfinMalta forms part of the National Agency for the Performing Arts (NAPA), a new agency formed after the recent amalgamation – on an administrative, legislative and organisational level – of ŻfinMalta, Teatru Malta, and KorMalta.

More information on ŻfinMalta, including the full 2023-23 programme is available at https://www.zfinmalta.org/.

For further details about MeDirect’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, one can visit: https://www.medirect.com.mt/about-us/csr/.

Marija Fenech, Chief Risk Officer at MeDirect presenting MeDirect’s sponsorship of ŻfinMalta, to Dominic Galea, Chief Executive Officer at NAPA and Christabel Borg Preca, Agency Head at ŻfinMalta.

MeDirect jissieħeb ma’ ŻfinMalta biex jitwassal staġun ġdid

MeDirect Malta qed jerġa’ jappoġġja lil ŻfinMalta, il-Kumpanija Nazzjonali taż-Żfin, għal staġun impenjattiv u eċċitanti 2023-24. Dan il-ftehim ta’ MeDirect ma ŻfinMalta hu parti mill-impenn kontinwu tal-bank biex irawwem it-talent artistiku u sportiv Malti.

L-appoġġ finanzjarju ta’ MeDirect se jgħin lil ŻfinMalta f’numru ta’ produzzjonijiet, attivitajiet edukattivi u avvenimenti fil-komunità, kif ukoll il-parteċipazzjoni f’avvenimenti internazzjonali.

Il-qofol tal-istaġun 2023-24 se jkun ‘Ħolm tal-Milied?’, l-ewwel produzzjoni ta’ ŻfinMalta tal-Milied li fiha mużika oriġinali esegwita live minn The New Victorians. Din il-produzzjoni, b’koreografija ta’ Adriano Bolognino, hija adattament ġdid għat-teatru taż-żfin tal-ktieb ‘Ħolm tal-Milied?’ ta’ Trevor Zahra u ġiet iddisinjata biex titgawda mill-familja kollha.

Dominic Galea, Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Aġenzija Nazzjonali ta’ l-Arti Performattiva (NAPA),  qal, “B’kalendarju ieħor mimli li jinkludi diversi wirjiet internazzjonali fis-Slovenja, is-Serbja, l-Italja u Jersey, ŻfinMalta qed tkompli tavvanza fl-ghanijiet taghha. Filwaqt li nwasslu produzzjonijiet ġodda lill-udjenza Maltija, qed inkomplu naħdmu mat-tfal u fil-komunità biex naqsmu l-benefiċċji fiżiċi u mentali li jiġu miż-żfin. Huwa grazzi wkoll għall-appoġġ ta’ msieħba bħal MeDirect li l-isforzi tagħna jistgħu ikomplu jespandu kull sena.”

Minn Ġunju 2023 ŻfinMalta saret tifforma parti mill-Aġenzija Nazzjonali ta’ l-Arti Performattiva (NAPA), aġenzija ġdida ffurmata wara l-amalgamazzjoni riċenti – fuq livell amministrattiv, leġiżlattiv u organizzattiv – ta’ ŻfinMalta, Teatru Malta, u KorMalta.

Aktar informazzjoni dwar ŻfinMalta, inkluż il-programm sħiħ 2023-23 tista ssibha fuq https://www.zfinmalta.org/

Għal aktar dettalji dwar l-inizjattivi ta’ MeDirect fil-komunità lokali, wieħed jista’ jżur: https://www.medirect.com.mt/about-us/csr/

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