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MeDirect renews Island Car Club sponsorship

MeDirect Malta has continued to support the Island Car Club’s National Hill Climb and Sprint Championships throughout the current season. This agreement further strengthens the long-standing collaboration between MeDirect and the club, which works tirelessly to grow and sustain one of the most popular sports in Malta.

Jeremy Cassar, Club Secretary of the Island Car Club, said, “Hill climb racing came to Malta more than 60 years ago and to this day, the Island Car Club continues to develop this sport and put together an exciting and competitive calendar. None of this is easy and we are grateful to sponsors like MeDirect who help us make sure our events are highly professional and safe, as well as fun for both drivers and spectators.”

The Island Car Club which started life in 1950s as a motoring club of the British Forces in Malta began organising regular hill climbs in 1961. Throughout its history the club has retained its reputation for its serious approach to organising events, leading the way in using the latest equipment and applying stringent regulations to ensure safety for all involved.

Roderick Bugeja, Senior Wealth Manager at MeDirect Malta, said, “MeDirect has supported the Island Car Club for several years as we share core values of innovation and professionalism. We look forward to continuing this partnership and providing all those who love motorsports with more great experiences.”

More information on the Island Car Club is available at https://islandcarclub.com/

Photo: Roderick Bugeja, Senior Wealth Manager at MeDirect Malta (left), together with Jeremy Cassar, Club Secretary of the Island Car Club.

MeDirect jkompli jappoġġja lill-Island Car Club

MeDirect Malta kompla jappoġġja l-Kampjonati Nazzjonali tal-Hill Climb u Sprint tal-Island Car Club matul l-istaġun kurrenti. Dan il-ftehim kompla jsaħħaħ il-kollaborazzjoni li ilha għaddejja bejn MeDirect u l-klabb, li jaħdem bla heda biex jikber u jsostni wieħed mill-aktar sport popolari f’Malta.

Jeremy Cassar, is-Segratarju tal-Island Car Club, qal, “It-tiġrijiet tal-hill climb bdew f’Malta aktar minn 60 sena ilu. Fil-preżent l-Island Car Club qed ikompli jiżviluppa dan l-isport u ħoloq kalendarju eċitanti u kompetittiv. Xejn minn dan mhu faċli u aħna grati lejn sponsors bħal MeDirect li jgħinuna niżguraw li l-avvenimenti tagħna jkunu professjonali ħafna u sikuri, kif ukoll divertenti kemm għas-sewwieqa kif ukoll għall-ispettaturi.”

L-Island Car Club twaqqaf fis-snin ħamsin bħala klabb tal-vetturi tal-Forzi Brittaniċi f’Malta u beda jorganizza hill climbs regolari fl-1961. Matul l-istorja tiegħu, il-klabb dejjem żamm reputazzjoni serja meta jorganizza l-avvenimenti. Dan ifisser li l-klabb juża l-aktar   apparat avvanzat u japplika regolamenti stretti biex jiżgura s-sigurtà għal dawk kollha involuti.

Roderick Bugeja, Senior Wealth Manager ta’ MeDirect Malta, qal, “MeDirect għen lill-Island Car Club għal diversi snin għax nemmnu li għandna l-istess valuri, dawk ta’ innovazzjoni u professjonalita’. Din is-sħubija għandha l-għan li nipprovdu lil dawk kollha li jħobbu dan l-isport b’aktar esperjenzi mill-aqwa.”

Aktar informazzjoni dwar l-Island Car Club hija tista ssibha fuq https://islandcarclub.com/

Ritratt: Roderick Bugeja, Senior Wealth Manager ta’ MeDirect Malta (xellug) flimkien ma’ is-Segratarju tal-Island Car Club.

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