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MeDirect renews support for Teatru Astra

MeDirect, Malta’s first digital bank, has renewed its support for the theatre programme of the Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella in Gozo. The donation, which will support productions at the Teatru Astra in Victoria taking place in late 2023 and throughout 2024, was presented to Andrea Camilleri, a member of the Society’s Committee. by Amanda Dimech, Wealth Manager, from MeDirect’s Gozo investment centre.

MeDirect’s partnership with Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella is part of its ongoing commitment to nurture Maltese artistic and sporting talent. MeDirect also continues to support the wider community through donations to numerous charitable organisations.

The productions which are scheduled to take place in the coming months, and for which MeDirect will be the main partner, include the Christmas Panto, the musical West Side Story in March 2024 and the RockAstra concert, due to take place in June 2024.

Speaking at the presentation, Dimech said, “MeDirect continues to play a very active role at the heart of Gozo’s cultural scene. Our continued partnership with the Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella is one clear example of our commitment to making sure the island continues to play host to world class theatre and music. With an exciting programme already in the pipeline, we look forward to enjoying another great season at Teatru Astra.”

Camilleri said, “The next few months will continue to be extremely busy for us.  With partners like MeDirect, and the support of patrons and other corporate donations, we can continue to fulfil our aim of providing world class theatre and music in Gozo, something we are proud to have been able to do for more than 50 years.”

Teatru Astra was inaugurated in 1968, establishing itself as one of Gozo’s leading cultural centres. Since 1978 it has also become renowned for its annual production of Opera as well as hosting a range of international singers, plays and musicals. More information is available at https://www.lastella.com.mt/.

Amanda Dimech, Wealth Manager and Christiana Teuma, Relationship Officer from MeDirect’s Gozo investment centre presenting MeDirect’s donation to Andrea Camilleri from Socjeta Filarmonika La Stella.

MeDirect ikompli jappoġġja lit-Teatru Astra

MeDirect, l-ewwel bank diġitali Malti, ġedded l-appoġġ tiegħu għall-programm teatrali tas-Soċjeta Filarmonika La Stella f’Għawdex. Id-donazzjoni se tkun qed tgħin biex jitellaw produzzjonijiet fit-Teatru Astra lejn l-aħħar tal-2023 u matul l-2024. Id-donazzjoni ġiet ippreżentata lil Andrea Camilleri, membru tal-kumitat tas-Soċjetà, minn Amanda Dimech, Wealth Manager, miċ-ċentru ta’ Investimenti ta’ MeDirect f’Għawdex.

Dan il-ftehim ta’ MeDirect mas-Soċjeta Filarmonika La Stella hija parti mill-impenn kontinwu tal-bank biex irawwem it-talent artistiku u sportiv Malti. MeDirect qed ikompli wkoll jappoġġja lill-komunità permezz ta’ donazzjonijiet lil bosta organizzazzjonijiet tal-karità.

Il-produzzjonijiet tat-Teatru Astra li huma skedati li jsiru fix-xhur li ġejjin, u li għalihom MeDirect se jkun is-sieħeb prinċipali, jinkludu l-pantomima tal-Milied, il-musical West Side Story f’Marzu li gej u l-kunċert RockAstra, li għandu jsir f’Ġunju 2024.

Meta tkellmet waqt il-preżentazzjoni, Dimech qalet, “MeDirect qed ikompli jkollu rwol attiv ħafna fil-qalba tax-xena kulturali Għawdxija. Is-sħubija tagħna mas-Soċjeta Filarmonika La Stella hija eżempju ċar tal-impenn tagħna biex niżguraw li Għawdex ikompli joffri teatru u mużika ta’ klassi dinjija.”

Camilleri qal, “Ix-xhur li ġejjin se jkunu impenjattivi ħafna għalina. B’imsieħba bħal MeDirect, u l-appoġġ tal-pubbliku u donazzjonijiet korporattivi oħra, nistgħu inkomplu nwettqu l-għan tagħna li nipprovdu teatru u mużika ta’ klassi dinjija f’Għawdex, xi ħaġa li aħna kburin li stajna nagħmlu għal aktar minn 50 sena.”

It-Teatru Astra ġie inawgurat fl-1968, u stabbilixxa ruħu bħala wieħed miċ-ċentri kulturali ewlenin f’Għawdex. Mill-1978 it-teatru sar magħruf ukoll għall-produzzjoni annwali ta’ l-Opra kif ukoll għall-fatt li jospita firxa ta’ kantanti, drammi u musicals internazzjonali. Aktar informazzjoni tista ssiba fuq is-sit uffiċjali tagħhom – https://www.lastella.com.mt/.

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