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MeDirect Joins Foodbank’s Reverse Advert Calendar Campaign

The MeDirect team joins the Foodbank’s Reverse Advent Calendar campaign

Throughout the month of December, the team at MeDirect has been collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the foodbank run by the St Andrew’s Scots Church in Valletta, after the charity made a nationwide appeal for assistance. The initiative has proven to be so popular with our staff, that we have been able to make weekly deliveries of hampers. These will help to sustain families in need over the coming months, when the Foodbank sees a marked increase in clients seeking assistance.

Further information about the foodbank can be found at www.thefoodbank.webs.com.

L-Impjegati ta’ MeDirect jappoġjaw il-kampanja tal-Foodbank fl-Avvent

Matul ix-xahar ta’ Diċembru, l-impjegati ta’ MeDirect kienu qed jiġbru ikel priservat biex jingħataw lil ‘foodbank’ li titmexxa minn St Andrew’s Scots Chuch il-Belt. Dan wara li l-organizzazzjoni għamlet appell għall-ghajnuna ix-xahar li għadda, u r-rispons għal din l-inizjattiva kienet tant kbira li l-Bank bagħat kaxxa ikel kull ġimgħa. Dawn il-kaxxi ser ikunu ta’ sostenn għal numru ta’ familji fil-bżonn fix-xhur diffiċli tax-xitwa, żmien li fih in-numru ta’ klijenti li jirrikorru għall-għajnuna tal-foodbank tikber b’mod sostanzjali.

Aktar informazzjoni dwar il-foodbank tista tinkiseb fuq is-sit www.thefoodbank.webs.com.

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