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MeDirect supporting Teatru Astra’s theatre programme throughout 2023

MeDirect, Malta’s first digital bank, is supporting the 2023 theatre programme of the Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella in Gozo. The donation was presented to Andrea Camilleri, Director of Musicals at the Society’s Teatru Astra in Victoria, by Amanda Dimech, Wealth Manager at MeDirect’s Gozo investment centre and will help deliver a wide-ranging programme of productions.  

Among the productions scheduled for 2023 is The Sound of Music. This much anticipated musical, taking place on 17th, 18th, 19th and 25th March, will star Jasmine Farrugia as Maria alongside West End idol Anthony Edridge as Captain Von Trapp.

Speaking at the presentation, Ms. Dimech said: “MeDirect has established a presence in the heart of Gozo and we are committed to playing a positive role in the cultural and social life of the island. The Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella is among the leaders in bringing world class theatre and music to Gozo and we are confident that MeDirect’s support will continue to strengthen their efforts.”

Mr. Camilleri said: “2023 is going to be a very busy year for Teatru Astra with preparations for The Sound of Music, the much-loved story of the Von Trapp family, already well underway. The theatre relies on the support of patrons and corporate donations to operate, and we are always heartened to see companies like MeDirect stepping forward to contribute.”

Teatru Astra was inaugurated in 1968, establishing itself as one of Gozo’s leading cultural centres. Since 1978 it has become almost synonymous with the annual production of Opera as well as hosting a range of international singers, plays and musicals.

More information is available at https://www.lastella.com.mt.

Tickets for The Sound of Music are available at https://www.showshappening.com/teatru-astra/The-Sound-of-Music.

MeDirect b’appoġġ għall-programm teatrali tat-Teatru Astra matul l-2023

MeDirect, l-ewwel bank diġitali f’Malta, qed jappoġġja l-programm teatrali tal-2023 tas-Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella f’Għawdex. Id-donazzjoni li se tgħin biex jitwassal programm wiesa’ ta’ produzzjonijie,t ġiet ippreżentata lil Andrea Camilleri, Direttur tal-Musicals fit-Teatru Astra minn Amanda Dimech, Wealth Manager mill-fergħa ta’ MeDirect f’Għawdex.

Fost il-produzzjonijiet skedati għall-2023 hemm The Sound of Music, il-musical tant antiċipat, li se jsir fis-17, 18, 19 u 25 ta’ Marzu. Fost il-parteċipantise jieħdlu sehem Jasmine Farrugia bħala Maria flimkien mal-idolu tal-West End Anthony Edridge bħala l-Kaptan Von Trapp.

Matul il-preżentazzjoni, is-Sa Dimech qalet: “MeDirect stabbilixxa preżenza fil-qalba ta’ Għawdex u aħna mpenjati li jkollna rwol atttiv fil-ħajja kulturali u soċjali tal-gżira. Is-Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella hija fost l-organizzazzjonijiet ewlenin fil-preżentazzjoni ta’ teatru u mużika ta’ klassi dinjija f’Għawdex u ninsabu fiduċjużi li l-appoġġ ta’ MeDirect se jkompli jsaħħaħ ix-xogħol tant siewi li twettaq is-Soċjetà.”

Is-Sur Camilleri qal: “L-2023 se tkun sena impenjattiva ħafna għat-Teatru Astra bi preparamenti għal The Sound of Music, l-istorja tant maħbuba tal-familja Von Trapp, li diġà mexjin sew. It-teatru jiddependi fuq l-appoġġ tal-benefatturi u d-donazzjonijiet korporattivi biex jopera, u aħna dejjem inkunu mħeġġa meta naraw kumpaniji bħal MeDirect jimxu ‘l quddiem biex jikkontribwixxu.”

It-Teatru Astra kien inawgurat fl-1968 u stabilixxa lilu nnifsu bħala wieħed miċ-ċentri kulturali ewlenin f’Għawdex. Sa mill-1978 it-Teatru kien kwaċi dejjem sinonimu ma’ produzzjonijiet annwali tal-Opra, filwaqt li jospità numru ta’ kantanti internazzjonali, plays u musicals.

Aktar informazzjoni fuq is-Soċjetà u l-musical tista ssibhom fuq https://www.lastella.com.mt/.

Il-biljetti għal The Sound of Music jistgħu jinxtraw minn https://www.showshappening.com/teatru-astra/The-Sound-of-Music.

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