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medirectalk to provide investment insights for 2023

As political and economic uncertainty continues to impact global markets, MeDirect Bank Malta is partnering with Morningstar – one of the world’s leading investment research firms – to present the latest in the series of medirectalk sessions. Taking place online on 9 March 2023 at 6.00pm, the event will provide investors with the opportunity to gain insights into what to expect this year, how to prepare for the future, which areas to avoid in terms of investments and where to tap opportunities.

The main speaker at this medirectalk will be Mike Coop, Morningstar’s EMEA Chief Investment Officer. Coop will deliver a 40-minute presentation titled ‘How to navigate a shifting landscape?’ which will be followed by a live question and answer session with participants.

Speaking about the webinar, Coop said: “Morningstar group and MeDirect have an ongoing collaboration through which we support the bank’s customers with data and independent in-depth insight and information on global markets and investments. This event will give me the very welcome opportunity to engage directly with MeDirect’s customers. I will be sharing our thoughts on how the extraordinary events of recent years have changed the investment landscape and what they can do to remain on track to achieve their financial goals.”

Morningstar was founded in Chicago in 1984 and is now a billion-dollar company with more than 8,000 employees worldwide. The company aims to give individual investors access to the same information available to financial institutions and professionals so they can take confident investment decisions. Operating in more than 25 countries, Morningstar now provides analysis on more than 600,000 investments.

Ingrid Micallef, Head – Products & Marketing Malta at MeDirect Bank Malta, said: “The medirectalk series is fast approaching its twentieth event. Throughout, we have provided market leading insights and analysis to our clients and investors from a range of global experts. Our mission is to give customers the tools they need to take control of their finances. In an ever changing, complex world, this next medirectalk in collaboration with Morningstar should prove extremely useful to anyone setting out their investment strategy for 2023.”

Medirectalk sessions are free to attend and open to the public. To register for the 9 March webinar, visit https://www.medirect.com.mt/invest/medirectalk/.


The speakers themselves, personally or on behalf of the institutions they are representing, are not responsible for the opinions they express during the discussions.

The information given during these talks is for general information purposes only and is neither intended to provide legal or other professional advice nor does it commit MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc to any obligation whatsoever. The information given during the talks is not intended to be a suggestion, recommendation or solicitation to buy, hold or sell, any securities and is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. The financial instruments discussed may not be suitable for all investors and investors must make their own informed decisions and seek their own advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in financial instruments or implementing strategies discussed herein.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370).

Morningstar Investment Consulting France is a member of Morningstar’s Investment Management and Morningstar group, a leading provider of discretionary investment management and advisory services. Morningstar Investment Consulting France is authorised and regulated by the French Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de resolution (ACPR) as an investment firm. SAS with a capital of 213,030 euros – RCS Paris 441 812 674 – APE 7022Z. Registered office: 52 rue de la Victoire 75009 Paris France. 

Morningstar Inc. is the ultimate parent of the Morningstar Group. Where any reference is made to Morningstar Inc. this incorporates all aspects of the Morningstar organisation and may reference services provided by regulated and non-regulated entities. Delivery of services, by MICF, is supported by appropriate arrangements established between MICF and other relevant Morningstar group entities captured under the Morningstar Inc. banner.


medirectalk se jkun qed jipprovdi għarfien dwar investimenti għall-2023

Hekk kif l-inċertezza politika u ekonomika tkompli tħalli impatt fuq is-swieq globali, MeDirect qed jissieħeb ma’ Morningstar, waħda mill-kumpaniji ewlenin tar-riċerka tal-investiment fid-dinja, biex jippreżenta attività oħra mis-serje ta’ medirectalk. L-avveniment, li se jsir onlajn fid-9 ta’ Marzu, 2023 fis-6.00pm, se jipprovdi opportunità lill-investituri li jiksbu tagħrif dwar x’għandhom jistennew matul is-sena kurrenti, kif għandhom jippreparaw għall-ġejjieni, liema oqsma ta’ investiment għandhom jiġu evitati u fejn jistgħu isibu opportunitajiet ġodda.

Il-kelliem ewlieni f’dln l-edizzjoni ta’ medirectalk se jkun Mike Coop, l-Uffiċjal Kap tal-Investimenti tal-EMEA ta’ Morningstar. Coop se jagħti preżentazzjoni ta’ madwar 40 minuta, bit-titlu ‘How to navigate a shifting landscape?’ li se tkun segwita minn sessjoni diretta ta’ mistoqsijiet u tweġibiet mal-parteċipanti.

Meta tkellem dwar il-webinar, Coop qal: “Morningstar group u MeDirect għandhom kollaborazzjoni kontinwa li permezz tagħha nassistu lill-klijenti ta’ MeDirect billi nipprovdu data, għarfien u informazzjoni indipendenti dwar is-swieq u l-investimenti globali. Dan l-avveniment se jagħtini l-opportunità sabiħa li nitkellem direttament mal-klijenti ta’ MeDirect. Se naqsam il-ħsibijiet tagħna dwar kif l-avvenimenti straordinarji ta’ dawn l-aħħar snin biddlu id-dinja ta’ l-investimenti u x’jistgħu jagħmlu biex jibqgħu fit-triq it-tajba u  jilħqu l-miri finanzjarji tagħhom.”

Morningstar twaqqfet f’Chicago fl-1984 u llum il-ġurnata hija kumpanija ta’ biljun dollaru b’aktar minn 8,000 impjegat madwar id-dinja. Il-kumpanija għandha l-għan li tagħti lill-investituri individwali aċċess għall-istess informazzjoni disponibbli għall-istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji u l-professjonisti. Dan sabiex ikunu jistgħu jieħdu deċiżjonijiet dwar l-investimenti tagħhom b’kunfidenza. Morningstar topera f’aktar minn 25 pajjiż u tipprovdi analiżi fuq aktar minn 600,000 investiment.

Ingrid Micallef, Head – Products & Marketing Malta, ta’ MeDirect , qalet: “Is-serje ta’ medirectalks qed toqrob malajr lejn l-għoxrin edizzjoni tagħha. Matul kull attività, ipprovdejna tagħrif u analiżi lill-klijenti u lill-investituri tagħna minn firxa ta’ esperti globali. Il-missjoni tagħna hija li nagħtu lill-klijenti l-għodda li jeħtieġu biex jieħdu l-kontroll tal-finanzi tagħhom. F’dinja kumplessa u li dejjem qed tinbidel, dan il-medirectalk li jmiss b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Morningstar għandu jkun estremament utli għal kull min qed jistabbilixxi l-istrateġija ta’ investiment tiegħu għall-2023.”

Dan il-medirectalk huwa miftuħ għall-pubbliku u huwa bla ħlas.  Biex tirreġistra għall-webinar tad-9 ta’ Marzu, żur https://www.medirect.com.mt/invest/medirectalk/.

Il-kelliema nfushom, personalment jew f’isem l-istituzzjonijiet li qed jirrappreżentaw, mhumiex responsabbli għall-opinjonijiet li jesprimu waqt id-diskussjonijiet.

L-informazzjoni mogħtija waqt dawn it-taħditiet hija għal skopijiet ta’ tagħrif ġenerali biss u mhix maħsuba ghal skopijiet legali jew pariri professjonali oħra u lanqas ma tikkommetti lil MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc għall-ebda obbligu.  L-informazzjoni mgħoddija waqt it-taħditiet mhijiex maħsuba biex tkun suġġeriment, rakkomandazzjoni jew solleċitazzjoni biex dak li jkun jixtri, iżżomm jew ibigħ xi titoli u l-eżattezza jew il-kompletezza tagħha mhix garantita.  L-istrumenti finanzjarji diskussi jistgħu ma jkunux jgħoddu għall-investituri kollha u l-investituri għandhom jieħdu d-deċiżjonijiet  tagħhom fuq il-bażi ta’ informazzjoni u pariri li jkunu kisbu huma stess dwar kemm ikun xieraq għalihom  li jinvestu fi strumenti finanzjarji jew li jimplimentaw  l-istrateġiji diskussi f’dan il-webinar.

MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, huwa liċenzjat biex joffri servizzi bankarji skont it-termini tal-Att dwar Il-kummerċ Bankarju (Kap. 371) u servizzi ta’ investiment skont it-termini tal-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta’ Investiment (Kap. 370).

Morningstar Investment Consulting France hija membru ta’ Morningstar Investment Management u l-grupp Morningstar, fornitur ewlieni ta’ servizzi diskrezzjonali tal-investiment u ta’ konsulenza. Morningstar Investment Consulting France hija awtorizzata u regolata mill-Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de resolution (ACPR) Franċiża bħala ditta tal-investiment. SAS b’kapital ta’ 213,030 ewro – RCS Paris 441 812 674 – APE 7022Z. Uffiċċju reġistrat: 52 rue de la Victoire 75009 Pariġi Franza.

Morningstar Inc. hija l-kumpanija ewlenija tal-grupp Morningstar. Fejn issir xi referenza għal Morningstar Inc., din tinkorpora l-aspetti kollha tal-organizzazzjoni Morningstar u tista’ tirreferi għal servizzi pprovduti minn entitajiet regolati u mhux regolati. Is-servizzi mill-MICF huma appoġġjata minn arranġamenti xierqa stabbiliti bejn l-MICF u entitajiet rilevanti oħra tal-grupp Morningstar.

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